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BBQ Grills-only in the courtyard- & at least 10 feet away from the building

As a reminder, barbecue grills are not allowed on the balconies. The following is is the wording from the “Welcome to the Lynnwood” booklet:

Barbecue grills may be used in the courtyard, away from the building to avoid smoke and odors from entering windows. If there is an existing grill in the courtyard, it is assumed that it is for all residents to use. No grills can be used on the balconies since the building does not have fire sprinklers. This would be a violation of fire code. Additionally, smoke and odors drifting into neighboring windows is considered a nuisance and degrading of another resident’s use of their space. Soot and grease buildup on the overhang would also be considered damage to common area property.

Fire Code (section 308.1.4) states that these types of open-flame cooking devices cannot be operated within 10 feet of the building or other combustible construction.

The Board feels that it is very important to adhere to fire code regulations, especially since the Lynnwood is a non-sprinklered building. We have routine inspections by the Fire Marshall’s office and are generally in very good standing; however, violations usually result in mandates to make changes, and numerous violations could include the installation of a very expensive fire sprinkler system throughout the building.

Residents wishing to do outdoor cooking during these hot days of summer may use small electric grills such as the “George Foreman” type grills, which are popular for grilling small amounts of foods and are easily cleanable.

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